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Spice Answers Burning Question About Vybz Kartel Relationship Status


Sirnan Biblical — Thanks Post a comment. Gisto — Unknown Download and enjoy Chillspot Recordz riddim Rematare produced by Levels.

With Zach Goldbaum. Zach goes to Jamaica to meet Popcaan, Chronixx and talk about Vybz Kartel. Vice Media See more». Show more on IMDbPro».

A pretty thorough account of the salient points of the Vybz Kartel trial along with background information. Often in the course of his prolonged trial I found myself wondering if the rollercoaster life of Adidja Palmer aka Vybz Kartel was scripted by someone channeling Breaking Bad, the wildly popular American TV series about the rise and fall of a chemistry teacher turned meth dealer. By the time the trial ended I knew it was nothing of the sort, just another wickedly original Jamaican libretto.

By late Vybz Kartel, 38, was being portrayed by the police and the justice system as Public Enemy No. His fame and fortune notwithstanding, on April 3, , Adidja Palmer was sentenced to life in prison with no parole possible before 35 years, after the court gave itself an extra week to determine whether the embattled DJ should be allowed to make music while incarcerated. It was a dramatic trial with twists and turns that kept the nation in suspense till the very end.

The swirling rumours proved to be true. Instead their strategy was to prove that the cellphones in question had not been properly secured by the police, who were careless about maintaining the chain of custody, making it possible for the notes to have been tampered with or manipulated. They also proved that other key items of evidence such as a backup disc provided by the phone company and a notebook belonging to a policeman witness had gone missing.

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