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Dating sites deutschland


Germany is an app based on tinder. The app was designed to try and organise connections between individuals that pass each other on the street or see each other in a cafe, but lack an opportunity for conversation. When two Happn users cross paths, the users will receive a notification of where they passed each other and they will then be offered an site to initiate contact. The app takes users location, age and hobbies into account to pair interesting people together and recommend good events to attend.

Users can also set challenges for one another as founder Jan Tillmann explained to WebMagazin.

The best-known native German dating site, Parship has been going for friends in Berlin before growing to dominate the online dating scene.

Jump to navigation. All you need is to look in the right place! For those American singles who want to meet others who appreciate all things German, premium dating sites are this right place. Pick the right site and, not only can you make your dating dreams clear, you can be connected to highly compatible single men and women. EliteSingles is just such a site. As a company that was founded in Berlin, Germany before branching out into the USA, we have a deep and abiding love for German life.

Yet, unlike some German dating sites, we also appreciate that true compatibility is about more than just shared heritage. Sure, you might want to meet German singles or least those men and women who are happy to celebrate German ancestry , but if you want a truly lasting connection, you also need a partner who is in sync with your personality, lifestyle, and relationship goals.

EliteSingles understands this. Based on the results from the test, along with important compatibility factors like educational levels, income, and location in the US, we can bring you potential partner profiles every day – suggestions made with compatibility in mind! Read more: looking to meet Christian singles , gay singles , or older singles ?

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