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Other reviewers have compared this book to other books. I don’t think that is quite fair. A friend pointed out to me that just because authors use similar themes, themes that have existed as long as stories have been told, does not mean that the stories are the same. Yes, there may be some similarities, but a work should be judged on its own merits. This is what I strive to do. I may make mention of similarities to other books from my experience with the YA paranormal romance genre or my entire reading experience from time to time, but that is to be expected as i try to establish a common ground with whoever is reading my review.

Title: Jessica´s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side Author: Beth Fantaskey Read or Download ebooks for free Jessica’s Guide To Dating On The Dark Side.

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Want to Read. Shelving menu. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Rate it:. The intriguing and rumored-to-be haunted mansion on top of Benson Hill … More. Shelve Vampire Kisses Vampire Kisses, 1.

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