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The Rise of Dating Sims for Women


For some, gaming belongs in the male domain. They encourage me to play better and any negative comments are never truly meant to be insulting or geared towards my gender — they are always about skill, which, strangely enough, makes me want to play better. However, my negative experiences have, oddly enough, been mostly with female non-gamers. Unfortunately, for the most part, not all female gamers seem to be as lucky when gaming with others. Show them up by having a good time and kicking their butts in gaming!

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Public attitudes toward games — and the people who play them — are complex and often uncertain By Maeve Duggan In recent years, major debates have emerged about the societal impact of video games and the effect they have on the people who play them. A new survey from Pew Research Center covers these and other issues. But the data illustrates that in some ways this assumption is wrong: Four-in-ten adults believe that violence in video games is related to violent behavior Americans are relatively divided over whether there is a possible link between violent games and actual violence.

Among the general public, attitudes toward games are complex and often uncertain The public is closely split on some other major debates surrounding the content of games and their impact on users. One-third think some games are a waste of time while others are not. The public is much less certain on other aspects of gaming. Compared with those who do not play video games, game players are more likely to agree with the positives and disagree with the negatives associated with games Those who play video games themselves are more likely than non-game players to think positively about gaming: Game players are also particularly likely to disagree with negative portrayals of video games:

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