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The Bride of Habaek


Plot Hyun-woo Ji Sung is the reluctant future successor of his father’s chemical company and engaged to be married to Soo-jin Lee Bo-young. Their two lives collide one fateful night when after a failed attempt on his life, Hyun-woo loses his memory in a car accident. Discovered on the roadside by Eun-soo and her father, they take him in and nurse him back to health.

Over the course of his recovery, Eun-soo and Hyun-woo whom she has named “Baek Chang-ho” fall in love. On the day of their engagement, Eun-soo’s father passes away. Following another attempt on Hyun-woo’s life and a resulting accident, Hyun-woo regains his original memory but forgets the year he spent with Eun-soo.

He costars with Cindy, who plays a pop star, Tak Ye Ji (Gong Hyo Jin) as a music show PD, and Ra Joon Mo (Cha Tae Hyun) as another veteran Would Tak Ye Ji get shaken by Baek Seung Chan? Or would Baek Seung Chan get shaken by Cindy? I love both of the result! I hope to see cindy and RJM teaming up to kick ceo byun ass. Adeul Says.

When the parents look at their children and the rest of younger generation, who have a strong sense of self, they are disgruntled but envious at the same time. Under one roof lives two different generations. They present various forms of life and love. They go through big and small events. To watch the analog and digital cohabitation will be amusing to the viewers. The times have changed and so have the values. Amid such changes, the family love has becomes even more important.

The story of this family living today under the same sky will remind us to look back on our family and its happiness. Chung-bok is the father of Il-seok and Yi-seok. At a tender age, he started as an apprentice of an ironsmith. He worked as a maker-up and a printer at a local printing shop. Before retiring, he chauffeured for a businessmen for 25 years. He led an honest life. He is open-minded and well-versed in current events.

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