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7 Unreasonably adorable online dating success stories


The dating success stories below reflect only a fraction of the emails we have received from past members who have taken the time to tell us about their successful fitness dates and positive experiences they have had on our site. You can enlarge the photos by mousing over them. July 7, was our first date after meeting on Fitness Singles . Josh proposed February 20, on the beach at sunset during our vacation to Sanibel Florida.

We were married January 28, in Toronto Canada! Zena : I worked with a colleague who had met her boyfriend on Fitness Singles .

Online dating isn t always easy. These couples found love using conscious singles . Read their stories and see how our free online dating can help you find.

Their story is proof that you should never give up after a first go at online dating , because that perfect someone is probably just around the corner. We had a perfect start to our dating as we went into it with the attitude to not take ourselves seriously. Start with wanting to meet a new friend and give it time. This is what worked for Sarah and me. My first date eighteen months earlier was a bit heavy because we had messaged each other for a month beforehand and therefore built up a picture of personalities through this.

I remember thinking how difficult it was to meet someone you had already formulated an opinion about, only to have to readjust when we finally met. However, not so this time. We met within a week of messaging.

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