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This Quarantine, I explored a lot of dating apps available on Playstore just to make the right decision on which one I should stick—sharing my experiences, only to help someone like me to make a better decision. The online trend of dating in India is increasing every day. Especially during these times when the whole world is locked inside their homes, working online, studying online, meeting friends online then why not dating online?

Staying alone for a long time, especially when you are not allowed to go out and meet people, can affect your mental health. Symptoms like panic attacks and depression are seen among the people since they are inside their houses for a long time. So what can we do to cheer up ourselves? Yes, we are doing that. Long lost school friends, college friends, gully cricket friends, hostel roommates, called everyone. Daily called parents, thrice, just to let them know that we are absolutely doing fine and are safe.

But still, being an extrovert, I felt so lonely sometimes because I was not able to go out, meet new people, and have a conversation with strangers.

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