Дата публикации:



I. Найдите антонимы к следующим словам:
1.good − …
a) bad;
b) sad;
c) dead.

2.big − …
a) large;
b) small;
c) enormous.

3.there − …
a) nowhere;
b) anywhere;
c) here.
4.wrong − …
a) correct;
b) incorrect;
c) mistaken.

5.near − …
a) far;
b) close to;
c) next to.

6.left − …
a) right;
b) behind;
c) ahead.

7.country − …
a) village;
b) city;
c) farm.

8.come − …
a) go;
b) approach;
c) swim.

9.open − …
a) reopen;
b) close;
c) look.

10.white − …
a) green;
b) yellow;
c) black.

II. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги: in, on, for, to.
11.We went….. Italy some days ago.
a) to;
b) for;
c) on.

12.Mr. Ivanov visited France…….September.
a) to;
b) for;
c) in.

13.Petrov has already done it……..you.
a) to;
b) for;
c) on.

14.The delegation has lived….London for two days.
a) in;
b) for;
c) on.

15.He stays……Volkovo every summer.
a) to;
b) for;
c) in.

III. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения в соответствии с числом, лицом и родом подлежащего.
16.The boy is playing with….football.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.
17.The boys are playing with….football.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.

18.The girl has tennis racket in….hand.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.

19.The girls have tennis rackets in….hands.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.

20.I am playing football with… brother.
a) his;
b) my;
c) their.
21.She is sitting at….table eating….ice-сream.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.

22.You have a football under…arm.
a) his;
b) her;
c) your.

23.I have …..football under…..arm.
a) his;
b) my;
c) their.

24.They are staying in the hotel with…. father.
a) his;
b) her;
c) their.

25.We have many trees and mountains in….country.
a) our;
b) her;
c) their.

IV. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
26.Mr. Priestley always (to wear) a dark suit.
a) wears;
b) is wearing;
c) wear.

27.Today he (to wear) a dark brown one.
a) wears;
b) is wearing;
c) wear.

28.In the picture Mr. Priestley (to sit) in an armchair.
a) sits;
b) is sitting;
c) sit.

29.He generally (to sit) in that chair in the evening.
a) sits;
b) is sitting;
c) sit.

30.I never (to go) to bed before eleven o’clock at night.
a) goes;
b) is going;
c) go.
31.It’s twelve o’clock so I (to go) to bed now.
a) goes;
b) am going;
c) go.

32.The sun (to shine) just now and the sky is blue.
a) is shining;
b) shines;
c) shine.

33.The sun (to shine) all day long in summer.
a) is shining;
b) shines;
c) shine.

34.The Earth (to move) around the Sun.
a) move;
b) is moving;
c) moves.

35.The children in the picture (to play) on the sands.
a) play;
b) are playing;
c) plays.

V. Образуйте вопросительную форму:
36.He will come tomorrow.
a) Will he come tomorrow?
b) Does he come tomorrow?
c) Will he comes tomorrow?

37.That book will be useful to him.
a) Will that book useful for him?
b) Does that book be useful to him?
c) Will that book be useful to him?

38.I will have a class of English tomorrow.
a) Will you have a class of English tomorrow?
b) Do you have a class of English tomorrow?
c) Will you a class of English tomorrow?

39.Hob will be late again tomorrow.
a) Will Hob late again tomorrow?
b) Does Hob be late again tomorrow?
c) Will Hob be late again tomorrow?

40.We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week.
a) Will visit Mr. Dowson again next week?
b) We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week?
c) Will we visit Mr. Dowson again next week?


Цена: 80 руб.

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