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The rise of atmospheric oxygen


By Shaoni Bhattacharya. Higher oxygen levels means animals can grow larger and still maintain the supply of oxygen to their muscles. That point in time represents the end of the million-year spate of mass extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous period which saw the demise of the dinosaurs and the rise of the mammals.

“Our results show that over a period of around 3 million years, the oxygen levels in the atmosphere jumped from around 15% to around 19%. For.

Viewpoint: Yes, the timing of the rise in Earth’s atmospheric oxygen was triggered not by biological processes but by geological processes such as volcanic eruption, which transported elements among them oxygen from Earth’s interior to its atmosphere. Viewpoint: No, the theories based on geological principles accounting for the timing of the rise in Earth’s atmospheric oxygen have insufficient data to supplant biological processes as the cause.

As most people know, oxygen is essential to most forms of life, with the exclusion of anaerobic or non-oxygen-dependent bacteria. But when, and from where, did this life-giving oxygen arise during the course of Earth’s history? The first question, regarding the point at which oxygen appeared on the planet, is answered with relative ease by recourse to accepted scientific findings. According to the best knowledge available at the beginning of the twenty-first century, oxygen first appeared between 2.

This would place the appearance of oxygen somewhere between 2.

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