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Are you interested in finding out what are the best dating sites for introverts? We cover the ins and outs of introvert dating . When it comes to dating , introverts can often become overwhelmed by the idea of talking to new people and going on dates.

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You can now scan for a potential mate without ever leaving the comfort zone that is your couch. But until then, scroll away my friend. After all, there are millions of people all around the planet who are now realizing the strengths that introverts bring to the table. Her book has sold millions of copies worldwide, a TEDtalk she gave on the topic has been viewed over 19,, times and counting, and she reportedly gets paid five-figures for a single appearance.

Introverts are taking over and people are noticing — including those who run dating websites. So if the idea of socializing in a noisy bar or trying to make conversation in large groups is your personal idea of hell, there are dating services out there that cater to your specific needs. Prefer to make meaningful connections without revealing what you look like? We found a few websites with features that can let you do just that too.

To help you heighten your odds of finding the person to match your awesomeness, we rounded up 10 of the best dating sites for introverts just like you. While Zoosk has millions of users on its platform, not many of them are active or in use. The dating site is really easy and convenient to use, but you it will be challenging to actually match and meet with someone special. It has a great success rate with pairing singles together to become long-term and committed couples — not to mention thousands of marriages.

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