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Top Ten Questions Asked By OkCupid Dating App Daters


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Following a divorce, I found myself trying to date again but with absolutely no experience online dating. When I got married and exited the singles scene, most​.

At first glance, it’s not quite obvious what differentiates OkCupid from other dating apps. In an age where Tinder makes swiping easy and Bumble puts all the power in the woman’s hands, it’s easy to discount OkCupid as a generic also-ran. It’s not until you complete the signup process that you realize it gathers enough information about you to make informed match suggestions, which saves you the time you would otherwise spend sorting through hundreds of profiles.

You can also use most of its features without paying a dime. OkCupid doesn’t quite unseat our Editors’ Choice, Match, with its equally robust profiles and user-friendly interface, but it’s a solid alternative for those seeking long-term love. OkCupid is available as an iOS app and an Android app, as well as on the desktop. Like most dating apps, OkCupid really wants you to sign up using Facebook, but unlike other more mobile-focused platforms, it asks for an email instead of a phone number as an alternative signup option.

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