Дата публикации:

Obasanjo, Olusegun 1937–


Alleging violations of both constitutional provisions and those of the African Charter under the fundamental rights enforcement procedure in the Nigerian constitution, the Plaintiffs claimed that sections 33 1 and 34 1 of the constitution, their right to life. Nigeria has a Constitutional Republic and does do some things right.

For example, Democratic Development project, which is a project that is managed by United.

Nigeria’s constitutional development history can be divided into two epochs or generations: the colonial or pre-independence epoch –which.

With the merger of Exxon and Mobil in , the newly formed Exxon Mobil Corporation brought together a shared history that dates back over years to their origins as part of the Standard Oil family of companies. By , the Trust had amassed companies responsible for all aspects of the petroleum industry — exploration, production, refining, transportation and marketing — creating a vertically integrated organization. Congress’s passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of , however, which aimed to ensure fair competition in interstate commerce and to eliminate monopolies, eventually led to the dissolution of the Trust in Not to be outdone, the company rebounded by forming the Standard Oil Interests, consisting of about 20 holding companies.

In , taking advantage of a New Jersey law allowing a single corporation to own stock in other companies, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey became the holding company for the Standard Oil Interests. A year earlier, however, the Ohio attorney general had begun legal proceedings to order all Ohio companies affiliated with Standard Oil to separate and begin operating independently. Other states soon followed, with charges that Standard Oil continued to violate anti-trust laws.

In May , after years of legal proceedings, the United States Supreme Court declared Standard Oil Company of New Jersey an “unreasonable” monopoly and ordered it to dissolve, resulting in 34 distinct and separate companies. The former would become Exxon; the latter Mobil. Throughout the 20th century, both companies continued to grow and forge individual identities.

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