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Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty STEAM KEY GLOBAL FREE


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Patrician IV - Rise of a Dynasty brings a comprehensive package of improvements and new features to the best-selling Patrician IV including online multiplayer and new scenarios.

Finally, you are able to operate your business in cooperative multiplayer mode with up to three friends helping out. And if you are already master of the seas, you can now try and conquer the continent as well!

In Rise of a Dynasty, you will find new routes into the heartland and trade with cities like Berlin, Warsaw and Nijmegen. But of course you have to grapple with the territorial rulers first and protect your wagon convoys from errant highwaymen.

Key Features:
New land trade feature - Merchandise in heartland cities and establish an extensive road network
Cooperative multiplayer mode - Manage your company alongside three of your friends via LAN or Internet
Treasure hunt - Collect parts of a treasure map in the whole Hanseatic territory to find the ultimate pirate treasure
New scenarios - Six new scenarios, demanding even for experienced players
Become a big landowner - Buy parts of the regional territories to claim and expand your power
Loads of visual, AI and gameplay improvements - Revised nautical chart and city views, portraits for players and quest givers, new animations for citizens and businesses

Цена: 0.61 $.

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