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Now some college students — including those in the metro area — are getting help with loans in an unconventional way. Through relationships. Skylar Jones, who lives in Colorado, is a full-time student. She started off paying for school by working multiple jobs. It’s a place where “sugar babies” can find their “sugar daddies. Seeking Arrangement recently released a list of schools with the most students signed up for the site.

The University of Missouri was No. De La Cruz said the arrangements are more upfront, honest forms of relationships already in existence, where one partner benefits from the other making more money. The 41 Action News Investigators made a profile on the website to see what kinds of arrangements people are seeking. The spokeswoman for Seeking Arrangement emphasized the site does not welcome prostitution or escorts.

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People on our site aren’t coming for that, and if they are, they’re going to be banned. A recent study from a University of Colorado Denver assistant professor found 40 percent of sugar babies interviewed had never had sex with their benefactors. Maren Scull interviewed 48 sugar babies and broke down the relationships into seven types: sugar prostitution, compensated dating , compensated companionship, sugar dating , sugar friendships, sugar friendships with benefits and pragmatic love.

It could be a variety of expectations, but I think that there has been a misconception that, because of that transparency, that somehow this is prostitution.

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