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Relationship or Bust?: Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility


It can be difficult for others to know if you are really interested in a sexual relationship, Libra. You flirt with everyone! Librans are constantly attached, since you use relationships as just another way to find balance in your life.

Cancer and Cancer: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life. Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces, and least compatible Aries, Gemini, Libra They have matching qualities which keep the partnership alive and strong. While dating , they may intuit the emotional interest of the other, and find the cautious approach endearing.

That’s why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods , a New York City-based Astrologer to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our love lives each week. This week’s topic: mistakes that libras make in relationships. I never knew people hated us until . Apparently, Libra hate is a popular topic. But what gives? Is there any truth to it? Managing a successful relationship often requires a meaty combo of patience, communication, and compassion. Not everyone is always up to the task.

I mean, would it have been that hard for that last Libra I dated to tell me he had a wife and not one like he said but two kids? Blessed with the ability to see the other side of an argument and knowing just what to say to smooth things over, Libras are natural born diplomats. However, as a sign whose least favorite thing to do is to argue see Aries for that , your smiles can quickly turn into frowns when you fail to express your true feelings about a matter.

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