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The quickest celeb engagements of the year, because it’s getting hard to keep track


Awards”, but the name was changed to maintain name recognition with Talk Soup. Starting June 2, , The Soup began airing live episodes. Originally only to last for one month, the program has since become a live show. On November 18, The Soup was cancelled, the number of episodes that were to be produced was later reduced by one. A decision was made not to air the episode that had been filmed and intended to air the same day as the November Paris attacks due to multiple references to “killing Baby Hitler “.

Bachelor Nation likes to keep it in the family.. As we’ve previously shown you, it’s not unusual for former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants to hook up after their time in front of the.

He blogs at MattForney. He is the author of Do the Philippines and many other books, available here. On the surface, it would seem that Filipinas are ripe for plugging into the matrix of the U. Because the country is an archipelago, the only way in is through sea or air. The added expense of going to the Philippines will deter many of the losers who infest Thailand, Cambodia, and other expat destinations on the mainland. Filipinas can work, vote, go to school and exercise virtually any freedom that their American counterparts have.

Nations with artificially low birth rates end up that way due to a combination of economics and moral degeneracy. Virtually every western nation, for example, has a fertility rate below the replacement rate of 2. Not only that, if your goal is to bang a lot of girls , the high birth rate helps you by giving you an ever-expanding menagerie of girls to choose from. Philippine culture is unusually open and xenophilic The Philippines is the most pro-U. Yet despite their appetite for foreign cultures, Filipinos have retained their own unique identity.

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