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Guangzhou expat dating


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Shenzhen costs $ per month to live and work remotely with 2 mbps internet speed, is a okay place for digital nomads to live. Today it’s 31°C with okay air.

By checking the box below you consent to receive marketing communications from Hongda. Your data will be stored securely and not shared with third-parties. If you would like to manage your subscriptions please do so in the email that will follow. Luckily, the city’s ‘Entry-Exit Public Bureau’ recently released a notice that goes over 8 important things expats absolutely need to know about staying in the city. Whether you’re looking to study Mandarin at the local university, visit some factories , or simply sightsee for a few days, this quick list should help you find yourself on the right side of the law.

Upon your arrival in the city you will be required by law to apply for a temporary residence permit. One of two scenarios can play out according to your living arrangements:. There is an easier way to do this! If you are serious about doing anything in China you absolutely need to download WeChat. A scanner tool will allow you to scan the QR code below if you’re viewing this article on a desktop:.

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