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The soap stars you didn’t know are related!


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Directions from the north: Turn left onto OH South for 8. Continue straight onto N.

Yes, Madeline Duggan does have a boyfriend, Charlie Roberts.

He subsequently appeared in five episodes in , before returning for an episode in Les was reintroduced as a regular character in April and continued to appear until 14 October when the character was axed from the show. He tells them he used to know Pat when he was an apprentice, implying he was her client when she was a prostitute, and offers a discount on the funeral. Jean is distressed to hear that Stacey is dead, but Mo Harris Laila Morse reveals she has just spoken to Stacey on the phone, meaning Stacey is alive.

Les apologises profoundly before leaving. Sasha and her employer, Cora Cross Ann Mitchell , then ask Les to offer every other house to them for the charity shop. Fatboy tries to tell Dot what Les and Charlie are up to, but is unsuccessful. In July, Les hires Billy Mitchell Perry Fenwick at the undertakers, however he is disappointed when Billy doesn’t turn up for work on his first day.

Pam is upset when Les insults Emma Summerhayes Anna Acton while drunk, fearful it will reveal a big secret they have been keeping; that she euthanised their dying son, Lawrie. Billy eventually establishes a good working relationship with Les and a friendship as they spend Christmas together. Billy discovers the business is deeply in debt and forces Les to tell Pam this.

They vow no more secrets, but after Les meets with his ‘other woman’, Claudette Hubbard Ellen Thomas and gives her an expensive necklace. Claudette and Pam are revealed to be old friends, as Claudette is a foster mother and Pam used to help children in care.

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