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Everyone knows someone who met their “forever person” though online dating — but not all dating sites are created equal. So, which are the best dating apps for ? The Kochava Collective , host of the largest independent mobile data marketplace, crunched the numbers to recommend a few sites based on the number of users. We took a look at all major dating apps in the Google Play and app stores, and then identified five apps that have the most installs within our data set.

According to the Kochava Collective, Tinder has the highest number of users.

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By Christine Elgersma. When you ask a couple how they met, it’s pretty common for them to answer, “On the Internet”. So, it’s no surprise that online dating has trickled down to teens. And though most opt for Snapchat or Instagram to widen their social circles, some are curious enough to try one of the many messaging apps that promise to help them “make new friends”. While these apps are designed more for casual communication than are the mainstream fee-based dating services such as Match and OkCupid, they make it super easy to text, video-chat, and share pics with strangers.

At this point, most parents would say “no way” and stop reading right now. But these apps are a fact of life for many teens especially LGBTQ youth who may not have a supportive community at school. So even if your kid doesn’t use one, they may get exposed to one through their friends. Also, the thrill of meeting new people in a seemingly consequence-free environment may pique the interest of any teen who thinks a cool new friend is only a download away. That’s why it’s really important to discuss the very real risks these apps pose.

Here are just a few:. This means adults can pose as teens — and vice versa. So, what can you do?

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