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What about when it comes to dating ? Two more people in the UK have today tested positive for coronavirus, bringing the total cases to 15, reports the Department of Health — and the patients caught the virus in Italy and Tenerife. With circumstances around how the disease is passed between people not entirely clear, and it seeming like the disease could be incubated within people for two weeks or even lie dormant in some , would you be put off from heading out on a wet Tuesday to potentially share more than a negroni?

A worker wearing a protective suit talks with people registering for coronavirus tests at a community health clinic in Beijing, on June China reported more than a dozen of new confirmed cases of COVID on on June 28, all but a few of them from domestic transmission in Beijing, which has seen a recent spike in coronavirus infections. But authorities in the Chinese capital say a campaign to conduct tests on employees at hair and beauty salons across the city has found no positive cases so far, in a further sign that the recent outbreak has been largely brought under control.

Then again, I can also see myself completely forgetting coronavirus exists and running around town spreading germs everywhere. So really it’s just a case of how much my brain wants me to live or die on any given night out.

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