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15% of American Adults Have Used Online Dating Sites or Mobile Dating Apps


It is a significant issue that cannot be fixed with simple and easy solutions. In the world of online dating young women and gender variant folks are one swipe away from experiencing online gender-based violence. The experiences of Whitney Wolfe, co-founder of the popular dating platform Tinder, exemplifies this. Wolfe left the company because of the violence and harassment she faced.

Consequently, she created a revolutionary new dating app – Bumble. It is a response to the tremendous pressure, rape culture and gender-based violence that young women face when using dating apps .

Her latest development is a pioneer of the ‘female-friendly’ dating app, requiring women to send the first message after the two of you match.

I do think, though, that technology can come to the rescue if someone is feeling lonely and in need of meaningful companionship — any day of the year. Hence, the most effective way to cope with the spirit of festivity might be to get on the dating apps bandwagon. One thing is for sure: algorithms that match you up with your significant other are more popular than ever. Here is a list of 10 European startups that are incredibly invested in your love life and will get you hooked in no time:.

The startup can be best described as a location-based mobile dating app that helps you meet with people around you. Instead, the app allows for a looser approach. In , Mint. Vieloco promises to match you with a partner based on your shared passions in life.

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