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Travel for Singles: Single & Ready to Mingle


Our singles resorts are perfect for solo travelers looking for the flexibility of independence, while still having sufficient opportunities to mingle and make new friends. At Club Med, single travelers can enjoy sports, leisure time by the pool, masterfully mixed cocktails, gourmet cuisine, and so much more! We use cookies on our website to ensure you have the best experience. By closing this banner or interacting with our site, you permit us and our partners to place cookies on your browser, recognize cookies, and identify you for marketing.

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A Single’s Guide to Dating In Bangkok Despite what you might have gathered from trips to party places such as Phuket, Thai people are.

Yes, what one will do for the summer sun and the wind in the hair. Ask about the availability of multiple cars for larger groups—we connect the cars through Bluetooth so everyone hears the same live guided tour. A gourmet champagne picnic lunch is available on full-day, private tours. A stop at a fabulous seaside restaurant, lobster shack or country inn is another option on a full-day, private tour. Let us know where your interests lie and we will customize a tour for you.

Visit bars, restaurants, and clubs where more singles are likely to mingle. And in an age-range that you prefer. Or, delight in a date nite with that special person on holiday or for a special occasion. Other motorcars are an option.

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