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5 Warning Signs You’re Dating A Womanizer


If this is a guy you just started seeing… Over the course of the last decade and a half, texting has increasingly become a constant part of waking life. He might be focused on something and have his phone off. So just to get that out of the way: That is to say, you say NO to guys who are not heading in the direction you want to go and YES to the one who is? Currently, the western world views dating as a process of impressing the other person. Which is foolish on two fronts:

The Duet Compatibility System will help you get in touch with people that have similar personality and hobbies. People may well use Tripr for travel dating but we want it to be so much more.

Instead, learn to read the signals. If you’ve noticed any of these telling behaviors, it’s official — the guy thinks you’re wifey material. He wants to spend the holidays with you — wherever that takes him. If he’s willing to forgo his childhood traditions and chill at your parents’ place — or skip family time altogether and take a trip with you — that means he’s been thinking about creating new traditions and memories with you. He invites you to his best friend’s wedding — without being pushed.

Watching a close buddy walk down the aisle is a momentous occasion. And he wouldn’t want to share that with just any girl, especially since there are bound to be plenty of “So, are you two next? If your man invited you and he seems psyched to have you there , chances are he foresees the possibility of you two walking down the aisle in the future.

He drops the phrase “our kids”. Not to man-bash, but most guys have a hard time even thinking about starting a family until they meet the right girl. Saying something as seemingly minor as, “We wouldn’t let our kids be that rude” means he’s not only imagining it, he’s expecting it to happen. And the thought doesn’t send him running off to his man 4.

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